I'd like to introduce you to a player in the game of your life.
"Hey, I'm so tired, I should just go to sleep. this presentation is good as it is."
"Ugh, I'm not good enough anyway, better stop now before I humiliate myself entirely."
"A painter \ writer \ musician \ actor? This is no way to make money."
When you listen to this voice you are relieved.
*Sigh* you don't have to think about your goal anymore.
There's Netflix, there's cleaning the house, there's eating, just to forget about your dreams.
Resistance has beaten me up all my life, and I couldn't even realize it.
It used lies, manipulations, fear, alcohol, weed, video games.
Just to keep me secure in the safe zone, where nothing could go wrong.
I felt horrible after every single time it won.
I wanted to write for years, and never had the courage to lift up the computer and start. Once, in the middle of the night, I won my resistance and wrote.
It wasn't perfect at all. So many flows. But I've done it.
It was very dystopian so I didn't want to continue with the story, haha, but the important thing was that...I've done it, and it was decent!
I was so glad, showed it to everyone, and was washed in the heavenly spring of praise.
It took me a year from then to start writing The Dance of Life and Death, and what kept me from doing so was resistance, and resistance alone.
I was terrified. Of letting myself down, of spending my time for nothing, of seeing the world's reaction.
I started writing after I was introduced to resistance.
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield tells the story of resistance in just two hours. What it is and how to overcome it.
It's a daily war, but the best war you could fight.
It changed my life.
To start crashing resistance, check it out:
*In the picture - me, victorious.